We've had a busy May! On the very first day of the month, we celebrated mine and Joshua's 18th anniversary, Joshua's retirement, and his graduation from West Coast Baptist College! God has blessed us with so much and we just want to give Him all the praise and the glory!
This was also our first month of full-time deputation. Our days have been filled with phone calls, emails, and preparation for the rest of this year and into next. We have had 3 scheduled meetings in May (praising the Lord!), and when we aren't scheduled for a service, we drop in to worship with and try to encourage other churches. We've been so incredibly humbled and blessed by the love, encouragement, and support in every church we visit, and we pray we are giving those things back to the people we come in contact with. It is so amazing and awesome to me, to meet so many other believers out there who love the Lord and are striving to serve Him. And whose Spirit connects with the Spirit in me...instant family!
With the end of May is the end of our stay in our local area. God provided us with a place to stay near our home church these past few months and now He's given us a place in Roanoke, AL, to come back to throughout the rest of our deputation. We will be heading that direction a week from today, on our way to Ohio, New York, and even Alaska (what?!), and everywhere in between. We're sad to say goodbye, for now, to our family, friends, and church family here in Florida and Alabama, but so excited to visit with our family and friends further north!
Our homeschool has kept/is keeping us busy as well...we are winding down a lot of our school for the year, but will continue a few subjects throughout the summer until we finish. I'm thankful that we've been homeschooling all along instead of learning how now as we also figure out how to school while traveling. This has been a challenge for sure, but I've had the privilege to glean some advice and ideas from other missionary moms and "think" we are ready to start preparing for the next school year.
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Thank you all for your prayer and support! We would not be able to follow God's leading without you joining with us in reaching the lost for Christ! We praise the Lord for you!
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